世界杯阿根廷夺冠 - 知乎

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世界杯阿根廷夺冠 - 知乎


  http://1.Si.com某文章标题是 A GOAT Final for the GOAT Himself: Messi Gets His Iconic World Cup Ending GOAT是Greatest of All Time的缩写。A GOAT Final,史上最精彩的总决赛,the GOAT Himself指梅西。标题前边可译为“史上之最的总决赛成就史上之最的他:梅西...”

  文前摘要则是:After an epictitle match, Lionel Messi was carried around on shoulders,hoistingthe World Cup trophy in the air as players and fans sang together in a storybook(?) closing to a month in Qatar.title match是冠亚军头衔争夺战之意。hoisting(高举)the World Cup trophy(世界杯奖杯,即大力神杯)。颁发给个人的金球奖(年度世界最佳球员奖项)、金靴奖(每个赛季中进球最多的球员)、金手套奖(当届世界杯最佳守门员)英文分别是Golden Ball / Boot / Glove。

  2.路透社(Reuters)一文标题为 Argentina win incredible World Cup finalin shootout标题中的in shootout是点球大战的意思,用英文解释这个比赛环节就是:a competition in making goals, used in some sports to decide who will win when a game ends with both teams having the same number of points。

  如何用英文来总结描述这场比赛,文中有一段我觉得不错:It was an incredible night of drama, high emotion andfluctuating fortunes(命运起伏不定), delivering one of the all-time great finals tocap(= to bring to a climax or conclusion)a wonderful tournament as its two star players delivered command performances on the biggest stage of all.

  3.纽约时报(NY Times)一文取名 For Mbappé, Three Goals Area Bitter Consolation Prize“对于法国球星姆巴佩来说,三个进球只是一个苦涩的安慰奖"

  Kylian Mbappé twicebroughtFranceback to tieArgentina(两度带领法国扳平比分), but his bid to lead his countryto consecutive World Cup titlesfell short on penalty kicks(点球大战).卫冕冠军的直白意思是连续获得冠军,consecutive便是形容词“连续的、不间断的”。上一届2019世界杯法国是冠军,这次失败了,即 fell short了。再比如,梅开二度意思是一场比赛中进两个球,英文即score twice,也可以专指Messi scored twice。帽子戏法是从 hat-trick 译过来的。


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